My name is Frederick Scott III. I recently turned 22 years old. I’m from West Philadelphia, but moved to “the county” back in 2010. I currently reside in West Chester, where I’m a student, and also the manager of a Rite Aid. I only make 9.50 an hour, so, lucky for me, my parents pay my rent.

When I was 17, I imagined my 22-year-old self having a successful brand, traveling the world, having someone to create memories with, partnering with some of my favorite brands, having a lump sum of capital and living like the characters in my favorite tv show "How to Make it in America" (please HBO bring the show back)…. But my life is far from what I dreamed it would be and I can only blame myself. I could try to place the blame on certain events or point fingers at people, but what’s the point of excuses? At the end of the day, I Frederick Scott, the one with these dreams, have been lazy as fuck. Nah seriously, like SO FUCKING LAZY. For some reason, I guess I felt like shit was just supposed to be handed to me, and that my dreams would come to fruition without putting work in--and that’s obviously a false notion.

I think what made me come to this realization was when I got denied for an internship that I know I was more than qualified for. Shit--I didn’t even make it to the interview stage. I mean other things fueled this flame, I’m sure, but not getting this internship made me realize two things:

  1. I’ll be graduating college in less than a year with no concrete plans for my future,

  2. This picture that I have of myself in my head is so great but has yet to surface because I hardly put the work in to actually produce any of my ideas.

People close to me see me as this creative and innovative thinker—they think I’ll change the world in some way shape or form. You know, just do things one can only dream of. I look at myself the same way, really. To the rest of the world, though, I’m just a 22 year old whose highest accolade is being a manager at a Rite Aid. It’s kind of funny when you think about it.


As a kid I watched Dragon Ball Z a lot—like a lot, a lot—and I guess right now, I would compare myself to Gohan. See, Gohan was one of the strongest, if not the strongest, characters in the show. Everyone around him realized his greatness but he never really understood the extent of his power himself (I guess I want to talk about how it took for Cell to almost kill all of Gohan’s friends and his dad, for Gohan to finally realize and unleash his hidden potential, which in turn help the Saiyans beat Cell). Right now, its time for me to unlock my potential and just turn up man.  

So, this website will not only serve as a portfolio but also as a creative umbrella for me to put a few projects I have in mind under. I can’t wait to show you guys what goes on in my head and I think this is the perfect platform to do so.

To be clear, Honors Society is still #1, but I will definitely be releasing a lot of the things on this site very, very soon. All I can do is tell you guys to stay tuned. Watch (but Don’t Copy). And just enjoy the things that are about to surface.


Frederick Scott x atmos USA